35 Km from Jaipur, the village of Bagru is a tempting textile trail, perfect for a weekend getaway!

35 Km from Jaipur, the village of Bagru is a tempting textile trail, perfect for a weekend getaway!

Known for its natural dyes and hand block printing, Bagru has gifted the world a fascinating work of fabric with the same name.
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When we speak of Rajasthan, we instantly picture majestic palaces and mighty forts. What we skip sometimes is the ornamented heritage of the state arraying some of the most innovative pieces of handcrafted art. One such gem of the desert state known for its unique varieties of art is the village called Bagru, located in close vicinity to Jaipur. Known for its natural dyes and hand block printing, Bagru has gifted the world a fascinating work of fabric with the same name.

From 'Bagru' to 'Dapu', an array of enrapturing techniques

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Situated on the Jaipur-Ajmer road, the village is a home for the Raiger and Chhipa community who have preserved their traditional arts for over 100 years now. Shining amidst the country's textile treasures as 'Bagru' print, the block printing native to this village uses dyes that are eco-friendly in nature. Not just the handcraft but the source of obtaining raw materials is equally captivating. Holding high a tradition that dates back to three centuries ago, the dyes are prepared from vegetables and fruits; like yellow is made out of turmeric, blue from indigo and red out of madder root. The craftsmen first rub fuller's earth on the entire piece of cloth and then, dip it into turmeric water. After the fabric gets the usual cream colour, it is adorned with natural shades using wooden block prints.

Almost all the homes encapsulated in Bagru are engaged in the conventional methods of dyeing and printing. What is astounding though, is the fact that in some families, all the members are indulged in the same artistry producing one of the best textiles in the world. Given the dedication of the artisans, the Bagru print has thrived and hence managed to attract patrons from not just the country but across the globe. Amongst other techniques, the print called 'Dabu' is a highlight. If you spot the working artists, we are sure that you would want to do it yourself!

On your route to Bagru!

[rebelmouse-proxy-image https://media.rbl.ms/image?u=%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2018%2F05%2FRajasthani-block-printing-Bargru-block-printing-community-Photo-credit-Lorna-Parkes-9.jpg&ho=https%3A%2F%2Fadventure.com&s=158&h=583f78a6a9dae48055de823b26c66cbd7638e1178b26ed667ef08bcf8498a393&size=980x&c=3098706420 photo_credit="adventure.com" dam="0" pin_description="" photo_credit_src="https://adventure.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/Rajasthani-block-printing-Bargru-block-printing-community-Photo-credit-Lorna-Parkes-9.jpg" crop_info="%7B%22image%22%3A%20%22https%3A//media.rbl.ms/image%3Fu%3D%252Fwp-content%252Fuploads%252F2018%252F05%252FRajasthani-block-printing-Bargru-block-printing-community-Photo-credit-Lorna-Parkes-9.jpg%26ho%3Dhttps%253A%252F%252Fadventure.com%26s%3D158%26h%3D583f78a6a9dae48055de823b26c66cbd7638e1178b26ed667ef08bcf8498a393%26size%3D980x%26c%3D3098706420%22%7D" expand=1] adventure.com

The easiest way of reaching Bagru is by taking a hired vehicle from Jaipur. On your way to this interesting town, be ready to be awestruck by the scenic landscape of Rajasthan. If you are keen on exploring Rajasthani delicacies, make sure to stop at the dhabas lying on your route to Bagru.

Knock Knock

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Though India is a land of myriad art and cultures, it is not easy to find a blossoming hub of textiles like Bagru. So, if you possess a taste for winsome varieties of textiles, Bagru must be your one-stop destination. If you have been enchanted enough by the glorious architecture of the desert state, we are sure that the fine art from this intriguing village will only add to the allures!

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