Survey highlights positive impact of Ahmedabad's D2D waste collection service

Survey highlights positive impact of Ahmedabad's D2D waste collection service

99.43% of residents acknowledged the uninterrupted daily D2D garbage collection service in Ahmedabad.
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To evaluate the effectiveness of Ahmedabad's door-to-door (D2D) waste collection service, the AMC conducted a survey under the 'Clean-Green Ahmedabad' campaign, which revealed that 99.43% of residents praised the uninterrupted daily garbage pick-up service, considering it a highly impactful mission.

Survey under 'Clean-Green Ahmedabad' campaign

To ensure the appropriate disposal of solid waste, the AMC has been providing a door-to-door garbage collection service. Between June 5 and 21, a survey was held by the AMC under the ‘Clean-Green Ahmedabad’ campaign with the help of the Municipal School Board and schools under the District Education Officer to get the opinions of the locals about the service. Forms were distributed amongst the students to be filled by their parents.

Covering almost three lakh households, the survey indicated that an overwhelming 99.43% of residents considered the D2D garbage collection service a success due to its consistent daily operations. However, it also highlighted that 37.68% of respondents struggled to differentiate between dry and green waste.

AMC officials disagreed with some findings, suggesting that respondents may have misunderstood certain questions. For instance, 97.91% of respondents claimed to segregate dry and green waste, although officials estimated that only 40-50% of the total waste was actually segregated.

Knock Knock

Additionally, the survey results contradicted officials' observations regarding garbage thrown on roads as the respondents denied throwing garbage on road. The locals emphasized the regular presence of sweepers who collect and clean waste on a daily basis.

While addressing the topic of solid waste management, the Deputy Municipal Commissioner CR Kharsan said that, “We have to work harder to make people aware of the importance of the segregation of waste.” The authorities have also introduced Waste Segregation Pilot Project to tackle unsegregated waste issue in Ahmedabad.

Survey highlights positive impact of Ahmedabad's D2D waste collection service
AMC launches Waste Segregation Pilot Project to tackle unsegregated waste issue in Ahmedabad

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