
Knocksense Shorts | Surge in waterborne diseases raises concerns in Ahmedabad

Zeal Jani

Following a surge in conjunctivitis cases, the people of Ahmedabad are now grappling with a notable increase in waterborne and vector-borne diseases. This year, the city has recorded 481 cases of diarrhea and vomiting up to August 12, a significant rise from the 359 cases reported in August 2021. Additionally, the city has witnessed 313 cases of typhoid and 18 cases of cholera as of the same date. A noticeable number of typhoid cases have also been identified.

Taking action, the health department has conducted 3,333 residual chlorine tests and gathered 952 water samples for thorough bacteriological analysis. Furthermore, they have distributed 17,217 chlorine tablets by August 12. Notably, their efforts have unveiled 17 water samples that are unfit for consumption.

Bharat Patel, Chairman of the Health Committee, has expressed the ongoing efforts to raise awareness regarding the significance of maintaining cleanliness to prevent the outbreak of diseases such as dengue.

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