
​Indore traffic police launches a road safety awareness drive in rural areas to prevent accidents

Muskaan Tekwani

The Indore Traffic Police on Tuesday initiated a road safety awareness drive in the accident-prone, rural areas of the district to prevent accidents. Several villages in the district are located near main roads, which makes them a primary accident sensitive zones in the city. A special team from the district traffic department reached the Simrol area in Indore on Tuesday. The officials taught the people about traffic rules, and asked them to adhere to them.

Traffic Police vs Road Accidents

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On the directives of senior officials, the station in charge of the Simrol Police station visited the rural areas under its jurisdiction to launch a public awareness drive regarding traffic rules. This directive was conveyed owing to less awareness about road safety norms in the rural areas located along the city. Daily wage workers travel every day from rural region to the urbanised and developed areas in the district, however, due to ignorance, they fall prey to road accidents, especially due to low visibility in winters.

With the Simrol being the key centre of accidents in the city, by virtue of its position next to the main road, the awareness drive was started from here. The traffic police officials handed over safety pamphlets to the drivers and appealed to them not to drive at high speed or under the influence of alcohol or any other substance.

The traffic police team also stopped two-wheeler riders without safety helmets and explained the advantage of wearing the same to them. Four wheeler drivers on the other hand were advised to drive only after wearing a seatbelt. As per directives, the officials will conduct the public awareness drive, in rural district areas, over the course of the next two weeks.

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