
Knocksense Shorts | Odisha team advances to Semis in Indore's 85th interstate Table Tennis showdown

Jatin Shewaramani

Indore is currently hosting the UTT 85th Inter-State Sub-Junior & Cadet National Table Tennis Championships. As per a recent update, the Odisha Team has now secured a spot in the semi-finals. This landmark achievement represents the first-ever medal earned in the sport of Table Tennis for the state of Odisha.

Previously in the tournament, Odisha emerged victorious with a 3-1 scoreline against the Telangana team, propelling them to the quarter-finals. Following this, the Odisha team further defeated former champions Tamil Nadu with a 3-1 victory, securing their spot in the semi-finals.

The team is now set to clash against the Petroleum Sports Promotion Board (PSPB) Table Tennis team today during the Semi Finals.

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