With stocks of wood piled up in parks and at road crossings, Holi festivities have already begun in Kanpur. Being celebrated on 29th March this year, the true essence of the festival of colours lies is incomplete without the traditional gulaal. Ahead of the festival, the gulaal and abir manufacturing centres in Yashoda Nagar have scaled up production making sure that the rising demands of the people from the state and the country are efficiently met.
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The gulaal production hubs in Yashoda Nagar, Kanpur are known across the nation for the top quality products that they create. Here, the raw material for gulaal is sourced from the starch of arrowroots and organically developed colours. This makes sure that all kinds of skin respond easily to its application, with no adverse effects, as claimed by the manufacturers. It is remarkable that the gulaal produced at these centres in Kanpur, caters to a supply chain that spreads to the different parts of the country.
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Reportedly, a staff member at one of these centres informed that the preparations begin almost two months before the festival to assure that the best quality gulaal is developed. From pink and purple to red and green, the gulaal produced here comes in a range of bright colours. After meticulous preparations, they are safely stored in big sacks and are later transferred to small packets for sale. With the production being in full swing, the products have already arrived in the local markets.
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