With an objective to expand the medical facilities available in the city, Lala Lajpat Rai Hospital in Kanpur commonly known as the 'Hallet Hospital' is looking forward to fresh developments. As per reports, the new Ward 50 of the hospital complex would be ready to accommodate patients in a year. The hospital administration has also planned the installation of a 20 thousand litre oxygen supply facility for the patients.
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A team of officials from the executive body in Lucknow is supposed to visit the hospital on Friday. They would review and suggest improvements in the implementation works related to the latest Ward 50. Reportedly, the principal of the Kanpur Medical College has conducted meetings and formed a technical committee in this regard. Additionally, it has been told that experts from IIT Kanpur will supervise the works of Ward 50.
The aforesaid 20 thousand litre oxygen plant is being established for the benefit of the patients in the multi-super speciality hospital. For this purpose, the officials have prepared the proposals and sent them to the Linde Gas company. The license for the plant would be procured by a committee constituting the heads of three departments. This committee would function under the leadership of the principal of the medical college. Also, there are reports that around ₹ 40 lakh have been sanctioned for obtaining chemicals for the pathology.
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