Tired of going to the same old coffee places? Want to try out some unique variations of coffee and other beverages? Well, then you're in luck. Soon, you can light up your Instagram feed with pictures of your favourite drink with your name on it cuz Starbucks is coming to Kanpur!
Kanpurites if you've been jealous of Lucknowites and the multiple Starbucks outlets in their city, it's time to rejoice because pretty soon, Kanpur will get it's very own Starbucks outlet. So if you have been craving a Starbucks coffee in Kanpur, there is going to be one in your hands, real soon.
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Starbucks is the mecca for coffee lovers. Their offerings such as the frappuccinos, teas and lattes in various combinations are simply must-haves and soon, Kanpurites will be able to enjoy all that ad more from Starbucks.
Z-Square is already a bustling hub of activity in Kanpur and very soon Starbucks will take the centre stage at this hub. The city's first Starbucks outlet is getting prepped up and pretty soon it will be right here to offer us a range of exotic chais, lattes, coffees and lots more.
The sheer thought of hot frappuccinos and lattes from Starbucks, right here in our city, has filled us with a lot of excitement. Honestly, we can't wait to lose ourselves in the charm of Starbucks which lies in the freshly roasted and handcrafted coffees, tea, a variety of fresh food items and other beverages.
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