1,000 e-vehicle charging stations shall be set up across Lucknow, in a phased manner, in the coming four years and this development shall be carried out on the lines of petrol pumps. Further, the introduction of these charging stations is expected to prompt a shift in preference to battery-run vehicles, thereby, reducing the pollution level in the city. As per the latest reports, e-vehicle charging stations shall be set up across UP and the target for the same stands at 4,500.
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Data suggests that the number of e-vehicles does not aptly compare with the number of e-vehicle charging stations currently set up. In Lucknow alone, there are 43,365 registered electronic vehicles among which e-buses and e-rickshaws are also included. However, there is only one e-vehicle charging station in Lucknow which is located in Dubagga.
Due to this deficiency, e-vehicle owners have to resort to charging their vehicles via household electricity. Hence, the state government has decided to open charging stations at parking avenues, malls, petrol pumps and similar publicly available spots across Lucknow and other districts of UP. The central government has also approved this work plan.
The price at which two-wheelers and four-wheelers can avail of this facility shall be decided by the Transport Department, which has been appointed as the nodal department for this project. Further, Each charging station shall be fitted with at least 5 charging points and the set-up cost for each such station is expected to be around ₹4 lakh.
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