Uttar Pradesh has been trying for a long time to renovate its education system in government schools. As per the latest developments, the state government has initiated a project called 'Prerak Mission' to accelerate academic growth and promote cognitive development amongst the pupils of primary schools. This latest initiative comes with an object to revamp the brand image of Uttar Pradesh government schools in a period of 6 months.
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Under the 'Prerak Mission', a separate body constituted by the government would examine the abilities of the kids in state-run primary schools. After being judged on various parameters, if the school qualifies a certain criterion, it shall be awarded the name of 'Motivational School' of the district. This skill test shall be applicable to each primary school in the state, ensuring that every district has one motivational school, as planned.
The Basic Education Officer of Lucknow said, "One school from every block will be developed as a motivational school. On the same lines, within a few months, every school of the block will be developed into motivational primary schools. Slowly, every primary school of the districts will be developed into motivational schools."
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Parallel to this initiative, the state government shall also introduce another scheme called 'Prerna Gyanotsav Abhiyan', to boost the mathematical and linguistic aptitude of the children. Additionally, this project will attempt to raise basic learning capabilities and supplement the education of children who missed out on classes during the lockdown period.
As per the directives given by the Education Department's Additional Chief Secretary, the teachers have been asked to assess the competencies of their pupils on various standards. While the students of class 1 to 3 shall be evaluated on 14 points, the abilities of those in class 4 and 5 shall be tested on 16 parameters.
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