While Lucknow's deep and stark historical and cultural identities give it a unique recognition all across the globe, its technological advancements are no less! Distinguished as the 'First CCTV City in India', Lucknow is the most highly surveilled and monitored city of the country.
The name 'First CCTV City' comes from the fact the city excelled in installing over 9000 cameras back in 2015 to keep both the road traffic and street crime in check. This two thronged parallel initiative had about 300 CCTV cameras under the traffic surveillance project and 9000 for street crime control. While the road cameras were of supreme quality, with a cost of ₹1 lakh a piece, the street cameras were larger in quantity- so much so that, they were installed in two phases of 4000 and 5000 each.
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The city was flooded in cautionary boards signalling that the citizens were under strict surveillance and this alone helped to bring both traffic violations and crime to diminished and decelerated rates. The feeds of the already installed cameras from hospitals and offices were also collected and reviewed at the Modern Police Control Room in Gomti Nagar.
Though various cities now have CCTV cameras and other surveillance techniques, Lucknow was way ahead of its times; installing over 9000 cameras to arrest non-civic and criminal activities in the city
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