If you were planning to take a stroll outside to enjoy the amazing weather, you've got to drop the plan and stay indoors instead. Owing to the growing number of coronavirus cases in the city & the carelessness shown by the residents, stringent protocol has been initiated for Saturday and Sunday.
The two day, weekend lockdown of `August 29 and August 30 in Lucknow will be characterised by a very strict checking protocol by the police officials.
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The Commissioner of Police, Sujeet Pandey has directed the the officials to ensure that there is no callousness or laxity during the weekend lockdown and people remain indoors to stop the transmission and spread of the virus. About 212 areas would be barricaded in the city where strict checking and motive of movement will be monitored. Any individual who is found out of their homes without a valid cause will be subjected to punitive actions. Emergency cases and press personnel are however given the freedom to step out.
To avoid inconvenience, it is best to stay indoors this weekend. Leave your house only in case of an emergency. The strict checking and lockdown has only been imposed for everyone's safety and any carelessness at this point, could yield negative repercussions.
Information shared by Pawan Kaushal and verified by Knocksense's research team. Now you too can share/report information and earn amazing rewards. Write to us at share@knocksense.com or reach out to us on Knocksense Lucknow's social media profiles.
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