Ahead of the reopening of schools on August 16 in Uttar Pradesh, the administration has released a new set of guidelines. As per reports, the secondary schools for students of grades 9 to 12 in the state, will be opened for 5 days only while the campuses will be closed on Saturdays and Sundays. Further, reports state that the classes will be functional in two shifts from 8 AM to 12 noon and 12:30 PM to 4:30 PM with 50% attendance of pupils in each batch.
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As per the orders, schools have to ensure all necessary arrangements in terms of sanitisers, thermal screening, pulse oximeter and primary first aid, amongst other things. In addition to this, school authorities have to make sure that students adhere to the masking protocol at all times. Besides, if a teacher or a student shows symptoms, they will be instantly sent back to their homes and a strict watch has to be maintained therein.
Reportedly, 60 officials will be deployed for inspecting the schools and each officer will be required to assess the state of affairs across at least 10 campuses. It has been reported that the Directorate will be apprised with the details of the evaluation and strict action will be taken if lags are identified.
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While the administration has announced the resumption of physical classes from August 16, some parents are still hesitant to send their wards to school. As per reports, guardians have stated that despite the downfall of infections in Uttar Pradesh, it can't be ignored that cases are rising in other states. Given the fear of an impending third wave and the emergence of new variants, every step has to be accompanied by sufficient safety and precautionary measures.
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