Every now and then, all of us get tired of the city rush, hectic schedules, pollution and what not! There is no escaping the city forever but you can always take a pause to untangle the knots in your mind. And what better way to do it than heading to a waterfall amidst a jungle!? Lying 30 km from Indore, Mohadi Falls is where you can drive to, in order to relax and let go of all the negativity accumulated in the bustle of your everyday life!
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Mohadi Falls offers a breathtaking sight of water falling from a height in the midst of a verdant valley and if you're looking to stretch your legs while with your buddies, then this is an ideal spot for your Sunday plans! The location of this divine waterfall also makes for an exemplary trekking route and anyone in search of an adrenaline rush, will not want to leave this place anytime soon. This trek provides an hour-long adventure accompanied by waterfalls, greenery, serenity and of course, being here is a delight for birders as well.
Mohadi Falls bestows an affair so authentic, that you will have to trek to nearby farms and look for amenities and food! The best time to visit this pristine locale is during the months of July to October when the water levels rise and this majestic fall is seen gushing rhythmically. Located on the Indore-Khandwa road, 5 km ahead of Tincha Falls, Mohadi Falls is where you need to be when you're trying to escape the city din for a day or so.
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