With organic food, an art gallery & eco-living options, Goa's Saraya awaits your arrival

With organic food, an art gallery & eco-living options, Goa's Saraya awaits your arrival

Learn how to live in harmony with nature at Saraya Goa.
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2 min read

Tracing its etymology to a Sanskrit word meaning 'to begin, to flow', Goa's Saraya is a place with the vision of "culturing the infinity of creativity". A confluence of exceptional artistry, Saraya is an amalgamation of art culture, eco-living and food, where visitors come to enjoy a placid and relaxing atmosphere. If you too are looking to begin your creative journey, then travel hardly 20 km from the capital city to spend some time at Saraya Goa and get inspired, meet like-minded people and cleanse your aura as you experience the rhythm of nature.

Breathe in a different kind of happiness

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Situated in the Sangolda Village of Goa, the living quarters of Saraya are influenced by its surrounding areas, therefore, constructed out of natural elements such as bamboo, clay, leaves and mud. Extending the joy of eco-tourists, Saraya Eco Stay also conducts workshops where nature enthusiasts can learn about intuitive treehouse building while keeping the environment intact, among other things.

Further, the art café located here, pays emphasis on freshly prepared food with organically produced edibles sourced from local areas and a small farm owned by Saraya. With an aim to engage people over a sumptuous home-cooked meal- ranging from spicy Hawaiian cuisines to melt-in-the-mouth desserts, this café aims at bridging the gap between the farm and the table.

Additionally, the art gallery that finds a home within the premises of Saraya, is located in a 300-year-old, restored Portuguese house. Here, artists of all genres- from sculptors to theatre groups, come to display their work and consequently, inspire others to explore the artist within them.

Knock Knock

Spend a weekend at Saraya Goa to unwind and energise as the positive and creative energy of nature nurtures your soul. Also, this place is the perfect weekend destination for all those who like to- "relax, eat and experience art" for leisure! So chalk out a plan ASAP and head out for a rejuvenating affair with nature and your friends.

Café Saraya Timings: 12 PM to 3 PM and 7 PM to 10 PM

Café Opening Days: All days except Wednesday

Saraya Art Gallery Timings: 9 AM to 10 PM, every day

Location: House #64, Chogm Road, Sangolda

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