Goa Board practical examination for classes X & XII to be held from March 1

Goa Board practical examination for classes X & XII to be held from March 1

The practical examination for classes X and XII will be conducted in offline mode
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In a circular released on Tuesday, the Goa Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education (GBSHSE) announced the dates for the practical exams for students of classes 10th and 12th. The examination will be conducted in offline mode from March 1-18 and March 1-25 for students of 10th & 12th, respectively.

Practical Examination dates revealed

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The Board has directed all the Secondary Schools (SSC) and Higher Secondary Schools (HSSC) to ensure that examinations be conducted while keeping all COVID norms in check. The notice issued, also states that it will be the educational institute’s responsibility to prepare a schedule and inform the students and the Board about the batches a week before the exams are commenced. Additionally, the head of schools will also have to appoint external examiners from the neighbouring schools, which will also be intimated to the board a week prior to the exam.

As per the circular, “the final practical marks of SSC and HSSC will have to be uploaded on the Board’s portal after Practical Examination in presence of External and Internal Examiner by staff appointed for this purpose by the principal/head of the school.”

In wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, Goa Board has implemented a revised assessment policy for class X and XII students only for the academic year 2021-22. The policy also identifies the board as the sole authority to conduct each of the two term-end exams and not the schools. Last week Goa State Board also released the circular with the date sheet and seating arrangement for the HSSC and SCC First Terminal Supplementary Exams 2021-22.

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