A birdwatcher's haven, the cascading majesty of Goa's Bamanbudo Waterfall is calling you!

A birdwatcher's haven, the cascading majesty of Goa's Bamanbudo Waterfall is calling you!

Treat your eyes with streams gushing down, churning milky froth amidst breathtaking scenery at Bamanbudo Waterfall
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2 min read

Located approximately 80 km away from the capital city, Bamanbudo Waterfall is one of the most pristine waterfalls lying in the vicinity of old Goa. Flowing on the breathtaking backdrop of lush green hillocks, this waterfall has escaped the attention of regular travellers and tourists, alike. This haven for bird-watchers is easily accessible by road and requires no tiresome trekking. So, if you are yearning for an ideal family vacation, Bamanbudo Waterfall is your destination.

A picture-perfect waterfall nestled in the arms of Ambe Ghat

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Located right on the Canacona-Naturlim road, Gaodongrim, Bamanbudo Waterfall flows down steadily, more like a waterslide than a waterfall. Owing to the reduced force of the water, the waterfall doesn't make for a deep well at the bottom, thereby allowing weary travellers to take a quick dip. The relatively shallow water makes it an ideal spot for families, as it is safe for children.

If splashing around in water isn't your idea of fun, then you can go bird-watching or just sit and enjoy the magnificent view of the Ghats to rejuvenate your soul to the core. The freshness of the air and the gurgling sound of water adds to the enigmatic aura of Bamanbudo Waterfall. Other attractions located in its vicinity that you can take detours to, are the Cabo de Rama Fort and Cola Beach.

Easily accessible from the road

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The awe-inspiring Canacona-Naturlim road falls under the Ambe Ghat region and it is beckoning you to experience this visual treat. You don't have to take any arduous hikes as you can reach Bamanbudo Waterfall travelling by road in a two-wheeler or a four-wheeler. The road from Canacona leading to this waterfall, a distance of almost 25 km, is a scenic route shaded with cashew trees on both sides.

If you are travelling from Madgaon then, take a major right after Canacona Police Station, you'll spot the Bhatpal Forest Gate, then take the straight road passing through the enchanting and verdant Gaondongrim village. Approximately 15 km inside from the forest gate, situated on the side of Canacona-Naturlim road, you can witness the cascading majesty of the Bamanbudo Waterfall in all its glory.

Knock Knock

From beaches to waterfalls, Goa is full of touristy destinations but none match the sublime and spiritual aura of Bamanbudo Waterfall. So, stop oscillating with the hustle and bustle of city life and travel to relax your mind and body in the lap of Mother Nature. Also, don't forget to pack your picnic basket because picnicking near the waterfall is an important part of the adventure!

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