Special Task Force set up in Goa to tackle the expected third wave of infection!

Special Task Force set up in Goa to tackle the expected third wave of infection!

The state government will also afoot global tenders to procure COVID vaccine doses to boost walk-in vaccination for 18-44 group.
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The state of Goa has initiated a proactive measure in view of the expected third wave of the pandemic. A 15-member special task force has been set up here, under the chairmanship of the Chief Minister to prepare for a successive infection swell, anticipated to hit the nation in the coming months. Reportedly, the state Health Minister has roped in as the Vice Chairman of this force which will include both, private and government doctors.

Goa prepares for the probable third wave of COVID

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The third wave of coronavirus is expected to raise the incidences of infection in children and consequently, steps will be taken to bolster the infrastructure accordingly. The Chief Minister stated a 60-bed paediatric ICU (PICU) will be set up at the super speciality hospital in Bambolim. Additional, ICUs will be upgraded at private and government hospitals.

GMC paediatricians will also be inducted into the treatment force, the CM informed and the clinical infrastructure will also be furnished accordingly. A separate 20-bed ward has also been dedicated to the treatment of black fungus cases, that are emerging as a successive complication of the COVID infection.

In another step to boost the treatment efficiency, an expert committee will be formed under the spearhead authority of the GMC Dean, reads reports. Goa reported the highest positivity rate during the second wave and this committee will review the rise and advise the state to prepare for the third wave.

Goa to float global tenders to procure vaccines

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The Chief Minister on Friday announced that the state administration will afoot global tenders to scout for additional vaccines to meet the domestic demand. The official pointed out that people from other states are booking their vaccination slots here, which has consequently led to the rise in demand.

The procured doses will ramp up the walk-in vaccinations for the 18-44 group, augmenting the state's overall inoculation campaign. As yet, over 9.3 lakh doses of the vaccine have been administered in Goa.

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