Centre of Excellence for EV to be launched in Indore Auto Expo 2022

Centre of Excellence for EV to be launched in Indore Auto Expo 2022

Auto Expos to give manufacturers a chance to showcase their products
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In an attempt to make Madhya Pradesh EV compatible, the state government last month had announced to launch of an EV Policy in the Pithampura Auto Expo that will take place in the month of April. For the same, the government had in its previous release asked the stakeholders from the automobile industry for suggestions in formulating the policy. After considering various possibilities and alternatives, the final draft of the policy has been prepared. A senior official from Madhya Pradesh Industrial Development Corporation (MPIDC) shared that a Centre of Excellence in Electronic Vehicle (EV) is expected to be introduced at the Expo.

MP, a hub for the automobile industry

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The Centre of Excellence will be discussed during the meeting with 50 industry players and MPIDC officials to amplify the industrial ecosystem for EV. The proposal will likely be discussed later this month in a Pithampura Auto Cluster board meeting. According to officials, Indore has over 1000 units in the automobile sector.

These units deal with various aspects of the trade like manufacturing, ancillary services and component making. In order to attract investments from the automobile industry, MP can host an Auto Expo annually. Manufacturers and component makers will get an opportunity to showcase their products in these annual auto expos.

In a bid to attract investments from the automobile industry and develop a platform for manufacturers and component makers to showcase their products and new launches, the state government also plans to host Auto Expo every year. The move will cater to the needs of developing efficient EV technology with the help of a technology exchange programme and other initiatives.

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