Entry to Indore made easy with 5 new flyovers at Indore bypass road

Entry to Indore made easy with 5 new flyovers at Indore bypass road

Flyover at Jhalariya intersection to be three-layered elevated road
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In an attempt to ease congestion and cut down on the commute time, five flyovers will be constructed on the busy intersections on the Indore bypass road at an estimated cost of ₹200 crores. Tenders for all five flyovers were issued on February 18 by the Indore District Administration (IDA). The construction work of flyovers at Arjunbaroda Village between Kshipra and Mangalia, Labhganga garden at MR 10 square, Rau Circle, Ralamandal Intersection, and near Best Price in Jhalariya is expected to be completed by 2024.

Tenders released, construction to complete by 2024

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The busy routes in Indore have caused numerous problems for commuters like neverending traffic jams leading to accidents, around 35,000 vehicles pass through the Indore bypass every day. And due to the lack of proper intersection connectivity on the route, the risk of accidents increases, leading to traffic snarls affecting the movement of people.

Recently, several other such initiatives were inaugurated and proposed by the state government, last such move was the inauguration of the Pipliyahna flyover which helps more than 1,75,000 commuters to travel with ease every day. Out of the estimated cost of ₹200 crores, ₹79.32 crores will be spent on the MR 10 junction which will be a 1.8 km long elevated road and 1.02 Km flyover at the Rau Circle at ₹47 crores. While the ones on the Ralamandal Intersection on NH-52 and Arjunbaroda Village will cost ₹28 crores each.

On the other hand, the flyover proposed to be constructed in Jhalariya will be a three-layered elevated road, connecting the Indore bypass road at the Jhalariya intersection to the Vijay Nagar area.

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