Observe scenic views set against the landscape of spirituality, when at Indore's Bijasen Tekri

Observe scenic views set against the landscape of spirituality, when at Indore's Bijasen Tekri

The cosy temple premises are said to have been built in the year 1920.
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Perched on a hilltop in Indore is the ancient and spiritual abode famously known as the Bijasen Tekri Temple. Famous folklore surrounding this temple has made people believe that just entering the premises of this place can give the gift of sight to a visually challenged person. While visiting Bijasen Tekri Temple during such tough times is not advisable, let's take a virtual walkabout to pay obeisance!

Perfect place to embrace spiritual beginnings

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The Bijasen Tekri Temple is the residence of Goddess Durga who is referred to as 'Bijasen Mata' by devotees who throng to get her blessings, especially during the Navratri Mela. The cosy temple premises are said to have been built in the year 1920 and located nearby is the Holkar Guest House, which has now been transformed into a Border Security Force Arms Museum.

Apart from being the place where many devotees come seeking religious respite, it also offers magnanimous and picturesque views to rejuvenate weary travellers. The view of the sunset from the Tekri Hilltop is noted by many as one of the most splendid sceneries they've ever encountered.

Knock Knock

This easily accessible and beautiful temple often features on the itinerary of tourists looking to explore Indore. While they usually travel via road, some even enjoy the uphill trek. Plan a post-pandemic visit to Bijasen Tekri Temple and while you are there, do not forget to enjoy the tranquil charms of the park and pond situated near it!

Location: Near Ahilya Bai Holkar Airport, Indore

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