Local transport system in Indore expects a boost with introduction of new city buses!

Local transport system in Indore expects a boost with introduction of new city buses!

These new buses will be used for strengthening the connectivity between the suburbs and the central parts of the city.
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In a move to upgrade the public transport infrastructure in the city, Indore will soon get a fleet of new buses. Reportedly, 50 new city buses will be deployed along different routes in the district and the latest batch of vehicles will arrive on September 20. As per reports, they will be used for strengthening connectivity between the suburbs and the central parts of the city, thus augmenting the available options for local commute.

Total of 400 buses to be received by the end of the year

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According to reports, the CEO of AICTSL, Sandeep Soni informed that the management had rolled out tenders for procurement of about 400 city buses, a long time back. While it was decided to introduce these buses in April 2020 itself, the pandemic deferred the plans and the project got delayed.

Now, the count of travellers is increasing slowly with the gradual return of stability. In view of the inflating passenger footfalls, the authorities have resolved to deploy the new buses. After the first batch is received on September 20, it is anticipated that the complete fleet will be received by the end of the year. As per reports, all these vehicles will be fueled by CNG.

Reportedly, the CEO informed that the current tender includes a total tally of 250 buses. Amongst these, 100 buses are air-conditioned vehicles while the other 150 are non-AC vehicles. They will be deployed on the roads along the boundary of the city, which include Super Corridor, Khandwa Road, Bypass and similar routes.

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