Indore's IISR innovates climate-smart technologies for enhanced soybean productivity

Indore's IISR innovates climate-smart technologies for enhanced soybean productivity

Dr. K H Singh, ICAR-IISR Director, highlighted the mounting challenges soybean cultivation encounters nationwide
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In a move to increase productivity in the face of changing climate patterns, the Indian Institute of Soybean Research (IISR) station in Indore is leading the way in the development of climate-smart technologies and innovative soybean varieties.

The goal is to increase the efficiency of soybean cultivation by promoting large-scale methods such as Broad Bred Furrow and Ridge Furrow.

Three days Trainer's Training was held recently

The director of ICAR-IISR, Dr. K H Singh, emphasised on the growing difficulties that soybean cultivation faces across the country as a result of biotic factors and unfavourable weather, such as extended dry spells and high temperatures.

The institute has been successful in creating soybean varieties and production techniques that withstand harsh weather conditions. Dr. Singh underlined that for best results, techniques like Ridge Furrow and Broad Bred Furrow must be widely used.

A three-day trainer's training on "Climate-Smart Technologies to Enhance Soybean Productivity Under Changed Climate" was recently organised by ICAR-IISR, and over 80 people attended, including scientists, representatives from Krishi Vigyan Kendra, and input dealers from 11 states.

The Madhya Pradesh government released the drought-resistant soybean variety NRC 136 in 2022. Dr. BU Dupare, Principal Scientist at ICAR-IISR, highlighting its development stated that in response to the changing needs of soybean cultivation in the face of climate change, efforts are being made to reduce its maturity period from 110 to 90 days.

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