Give your business the boost it needs with We Founder Circle's Startup Mixer in Jaipur

Give your business the boost it needs with We Founder Circle's Startup Mixer in Jaipur

We Founder Circle Startup and Investor Mixers are all about networking, and getting your idea out there. Meet with investors and build a community.
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Rajasthan, one of the largest states in the country, has a lot of potential to guide the growth of our nation on many fronts. Jaipur specifically has a lot of untapped ideas and undertakings, which are in need of harbouring. These nascent ideas, business models and generation changing goals can be alluded to the high density of a young population.

What they lack is proper guidance, consultation, capital, and a community of like minded folks. Now, We Founder Circle, after successful Startup and Investor Mixers in Mumbai, Delhi and Bangalore, is set to take the stage in Jaipur. This will be a great initiative for attendees, who can utilize this as a stepping stone to further their entrepreneurship journey.

A Networking Paradise

We Founder Circle Startup and Investor Mixers are all about networking, and getting yourself out there. If you've got an evolving business model, and are in need of direction, this is where you've got to be. This is going to be a hub of all things startup related, and spanning across all sectors.

Here, startup owners can seek out Angel Investors, Partners to further their growth, and look out for other likeminded startups. This helps build a community, which lends an insight into new markets and different business models. It could pave the way for long term future plans of your still-budding company.

Attendees can meet and connect with top investors in the game, gain a chance to pitch startup ideas, and even bag an on-the-spot funding commitment. If it's counselling or guidance you're in need of, you can even engage in one to one conversations with WFC leaders.

Visitors can learn a lot about startups in fields other than their own, as WFC strives to bring for the best from all sectors. This is a great way to discover, and connect with completely new concepts, each with an aim to present something game-changing.

WFC will take place from September 02, to September 06, and will span a total of 5 cities across Rajasthan.

What is We Founder Circle?

A global network of eminent entrepreneurs and strategic investors who want to actively work with early-stage firms and augment their growth. They do this via seed capital funding, company development pointers, and give you a leg up in international networking. The entire strategy is digital first, and enables angel investors and startup partners worldwide.

We Founder Circle will be held in Jaipur on September 06, 2022, wherein there will be both Investor Meets, as well as a Startup Mixer. You can register for the event here.

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