Over 390 clusters set up in Rajasthan to boost the economic empowerment of tribal women!

Over 390 clusters set up in Rajasthan to boost the economic empowerment of tribal women!

Under the program, tribal women are trained with the objective of encouraging financial independence amongst them.
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Aiming to promote tribal welfare in Rajasthan, the State Tribal Development Department has constituted women's groups for equipping them with entrepreneurial skills. As per reports, the organisation has created more than 392 clusters in the state under the union government's Van Dhan Vikas Yojana. Reportedly, each of these groups contains 300 women, who are trained with the objective of encouraging financial independence amongst them.

The 'Van Dhan Vikas Kendra' scheme

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According to reports, the state was assigned a target of setting up more than 470 clusters, which are referred to as Van Dhan Vikas Kendra (VDVK). Reportedly, these groups can get a loan of ₹15 lakh at minimal interest rates, to start a business or firm of their own

This project spreads across 5 districts in the state including Udaipur, Dungarpur, Banswara, Pratapgarh and Chittorgarh. It is focused on ensuring income opportunities, developing expertise and market spaces centered on the produce of the forests. Reportedly, more than 55,000 tribals in five districts were aided with long-term employment opportunities.

Employment opportunities created for hundreds of women

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As per reports, a Kotra resident has been successful in starting a honey business with other women in her cluster. While women of the region have been involved in honey production since a long time, the latest initiative has opened avenues for better training and augmented funds and other resources.

Not only does the scheme provide ample employment opportunities to women of Rajasthan but it also helps in paving a market path for the forest produce. Reportedly, the state benefits from gulal, spices, bamboo, pulp of apple custard amongst other things. As per reports, the scheme has increased the scope of production and profits and therefore, promoted women empowerment in several districts of Rajasthan.

-With inputs from TOI

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