A 5-hour ride from Jaipur, Vishdhari Wildlife Sanctuary is a haven for fauna enthusiasts!

A 5-hour ride from Jaipur, Vishdhari Wildlife Sanctuary is a haven for fauna enthusiasts!

The Ramgarh Vishdhari Wildlife Sanctuary has become the 52nd facility in the country, to be tagged as a tiger reserve
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2 min read

Sprawling over an approximate expanse of 252 square kilometres, Ramgarh Vishdhari Wildlife Sanctuary is a magnetic biodiversity hotspot with a wide array of exquisite flora and fauna. Said to be a buffer for Ranthambore National Park, this agglomerate of astounding natural heritage stands at a distance of 45 kilometres on Bundi-Nainwa Road. If you are somebody in Jaipur with a heart yearning for offbeat adventures, this wildlife sanctuary has to be on your travel list!

Flora & Fauna in Ramgarh Vishdhari Wildlife Sanctuary

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As a part of your safari escapade, you can get the unforgettable glances of the Indian Wolf, Leopard, Striped Hyena, Sloth Bear, Golden Jackal, Chinkara, Nilgai and Fox. In addition to this, the sanctuary is home to a wide variety of birds too, thereby alluring all keen birdwatchers. A five-hour ride from Jaipur, the best of Ramgarh Vishdhari Wildlife Sanctuary can be experienced in the winter months from November to March.

Notified as the 52nd Tiger Reserve in the country!

[rebelmouse-proxy-image https://media.rbl.ms/image?u=%2Fmedia%2Fphoto-s%2F0d%2F30%2Fe5%2F33%2Fleopard-at-ramgarh-visdhari.jpg&ho=https%3A%2F%2Fmedia-cdn.tripadvisor.com&s=375&h=937a42bc61832ca3185da9390687fefc98b31e19ecdeb0a3c375e8e05bb2a333&size=980x&c=3365554133 photo_credit="" pin_description="" dam="0" site_id=20074994 caption="" photo_credit_src="https://media-cdn.tripadvisor.com/media/photo-s/0d/30/e5/33/leopard-at-ramgarh-visdhari.jpg" crop_info="%7B%22image%22%3A%20%22https%3A//media.rbl.ms/image%3Fu%3D%252Fmedia%252Fphoto-s%252F0d%252F30%252Fe5%252F33%252Fleopard-at-ramgarh-visdhari.jpg%26ho%3Dhttps%253A%252F%252Fmedia-cdn.tripadvisor.com%26s%3D375%26h%3D937a42bc61832ca3185da9390687fefc98b31e19ecdeb0a3c375e8e05bb2a333%26size%3D980x%26c%3D3365554133%22%7D" expand=1]

As per reports, the Ramgarh Vishdhari Wildlife Sanctuary has become the 52nd facility in the country, to be tagged as a tiger reserve after an approval from the National Tiger Conservation Authority. Now, this will be the 4th tiger reserve in the state, adding to the list which includes Ranthambore, Sariska and Mukundra centres. While all other tourism spots have been re-opened in Rajasthan, reports state that the tiger reserves have not been revived, as of now.

Knock Knock

If you are somebody looking for alternate experiences beyond the common cravings of your heart, a visit to this sanctuary in the future can win you memorable moments of a lifetime. While the company of a few mates would be great, remember to take along your best friends- masks, gloves and sanitisers!

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