A sanctum of serenity, Jaipur's  first-ever desert park, Kishan Bagh to open soon

A sanctum of serenity, Jaipur's  first-ever desert park, Kishan Bagh to open soon

Being the latest addition to the sprawling landmarks of Jaipur, this park is all set to shine like a jewel in the ornamented heritage of the city.
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Fascinated by the marvellous architecture and culture of the historic city, tourists in Jaipur often lose out on exploring the mystifying deserts around it. To their rescue, comes Jaipur`s first-ever desert park, an innovative venture by the city development authority. Instituted in August 2016, Kishan Bagh may open its doors to visitors anytime soon as the works by the JDA and the forest department are nearing completion.

Offering a serene retreat amidst the desert's rich flora

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At a distance of 15-km from the main city, the peaceful park stands in the Vidhyanagar region. Being the latest addition to the sprawling landmarks of Jaipur, this park is all set to shine like a jewel in the ornamented heritage of the city. A step towards boosting the eco-tourism, the park offers its tourists astounding treks in the surrounding areas. Not just a peek into the desert's rich flora but the park would also provide for a quiet refuge in the lap of mother nature!

As per reports, the Jaipur Development Commissioner stated that the firms are invited to send an 'Expression of Interest' for taking up the works related to the functioning and preservation of the park. Once COVID restrictions are relaxed completely, the captivating park would be opened for the public.

Native seeds sourced from regions across the state to be planted

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It has been ensured that the ecology and topography of the area were not disturbed while renovating it. The reports suggest that one may find the reflections of the Thar desert in this park, being opened on the edges of the city. A total of 18 indigenous species have been planted here and the park would further display trees which have been sourced from Barmer, Sirohi, Jodhpur, Bikaner, Chittorgarh and Banswara. In addition to the plant varieties, the sand spread over the 320 acres of parkland here has been sourced from Jaisalmer.

Knock Knock

Situated at the city's periphery, the park offers a breathing experience of the desert vegetation in close vicinity to Jaipur's heart. If you think Jaipur is just about classic monuments and heritage palaces, this park would soon prove you wrong with a scintillating display of the desert's flora!

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