Jaipur marks slight COVID rise on Tuesday; tally up by 369 new cases

Jaipur marks slight COVID rise on Tuesday; tally up by 369 new cases

On Tuesday, 403 recoveries exceeded the new infection load in Jaipur
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2 min read

After witnessing a steady COVID dip, Jaipur marked a slight increase in daily positive cases on Tuesday when the tallies rose to 369 cases as opposed to Monday’s 336. With this, Pink City's cumulative caseload stands at 269712 cases, with as many as 31,27,159 samples tested so far. Recovery, on the other hand, successfully exceeded the new load mark, balancing at 403 on Tuesday. This has had a lowering effect on the active case count as well, down to 5565 patients.

Rajasthan COVID update

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Rajasthan logged 1,387 fresh COVID-19 cases on Tuesday, with 45 fresh cases each in Ajmer and Bikaner, followed by 55 infections in Alwar. Jodhpur stood at a count of 88 cases, while Tonk and Udaipur reported 25 and 96 infections, respectively, taking the cumulative state tally to 12,68,272. As per reports, about 3,12,045 of these infections have been reported since the start of 2022 alone.

Meanwhile, the state also reported 12 COVID deaths in the last 24 hours, including over three fatalities were reported from Kota, two deaths each in Sikar and Ajmer while one causality each was reported from Jaipur, Jodhpur, Barmer, Tonk and Churu.

Rajasthan's monthly toll for February has already logged about 213 deaths, as of Tuesday. This count balanced at 304 casualties in January, marking a total of 517 deaths since the state of the new year. The total causality count is now at 9,481.

All COVID-19 restrictions suspended in Rajasthan

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As of February 15, Rajasthan is actively nursing about 17,976 patients, significantly lower than 18,982 patient-log on Monday. Buoyed by this respite, the government has ordered to suspend all existing COVID-19 restrictions across the state.

However, in a set of revised guidelines, the state has directed all functioning offices to share a list of their employees' vaccination status. Punitive action will be taken against all those organisations that fail to comply, read reports.

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