IIT Kanpur inks pact with a Toronto based organisation for aiding startups

IIT Kanpur inks pact with a Toronto based organisation for aiding startups

A three-month exchange mentorship programme is being introduced by IIT-K's FIRST & TBDC.
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IIT Kanpur's Foundation for Innovation and Research in Science & Technology (FIRST) has collaborated with the Toronto Business Development Centre (TBDC) of Canada, to introduce a three-month exchange mentorship programme. The programme entails guidance for start-ups, both Indian and Canadian, withrespect to the ongoing market conditions, business assistance, industry intelligence and other similar avenues.

Indian start-ups might get an opportunity to relocate to Canada

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Only startups qualifying under the TBDC's programmes- Start-up Visa and Soft-Landing Programmes will be eligible to be a part of this mentorship. Additionally, Indian start-ups will also get an opportunity to find a new location for themselves in Canada and vice-versa. The collaboration of FIRST and TBDC will offer a combined cross-counselling for the startups of both countries, stated reports. Moreover, the first few chosen startups will be provided with ample growth opportunities for around 6 months.

Going by reports, this 3-monthly mentorship programme will organise an online meet every month to assess the growth, learning and exchange information of apt processes adapted by the start-ups of both nations. Indian start-ups will have to go through a screening and interview round by the TBDC, after which they will get to be a part of the program.

Therein, they will be aided with a host of resources including mentorships, socialising, investor and event networking and infrastructural development for an uninterrupted growth trajectory. Besides being a top-notch technical institute in the country, IIT Kanpur is committed to support inventive companies in India, in a move to boost economy.

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