Traders launch awareness drive to make Kanpur pollution-free, give roses & masks to morning walkers

Traders launch awareness drive to make Kanpur pollution-free, give roses & masks to morning walkers

Kanpur currently holds a place in the list of Top 10 most polluted cities in India.
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In a bid to promote citizen movement towards curbing pollution in Kanpur, the All India Industries Business Board officials conducted an innovative campaign that envisions a pollution-free Kanpur. The officials started an early morning bicycle drive where they handed roses to morning walkers, spreading awareness and further encouraging them to give up the use of motor vehicles and shift to cycles for a day.

Towards a pollution free Kanpur

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The Officials of the All India Industries Business Board were engaged in an elaborate awareness drive on bicycles, which took off from Y Block, covering Pashupati Nagar, K Block Kidwai Nagar, H Block, H 2 Block, N Block, and finally through M Block Kidwai Nagar. While cycling, the officers also told people to take precautions against the increasing threat of both, COVID infection and air pollution in the city. For this, the party carried masks with them and handed them out to those without one on the city streets.

The cyclists also placed banners and placards on their bicycles that listed various measures of controlling the city's pollution. From discouraging burning garbage on streets to planting more trees and shifting to bicycles for a day, many such slogans were included on the posters.

The State General Secretary pointed out that Kanpur is among the Top 10 most polluted cities in India. He further highlighted the growing problem of dense pollution in the southern region of the city, elaborating that the drive will run throughout the month of November from this region only.

Knock Knock

We salute the effort and initiative taken by the traders of All India Industries Business Board to curb and eliminate large sources of air pollutants in the city. We urge the citizens to cooperate with the authorities of this domestic campaign to make Kanpur cleaners and greener!

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