#1 Letter to DM: Garbage piles and paan stains outside Ganj parking are stealing the place's charm

#1 Letter to DM: Garbage piles and paan stains outside Ganj parking are stealing the place's charm

Adding up facilities on the inside, Ganj multi-level parking from the outside isn't as pretty a sight.
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1 min read

July 13, 2023


District Magistrate, Lucknow

Subject: To draw your attention to the lack of hygiene outside Hazrtaganj multi-level parking

Respected Sir,

With due regard, we're writing to you in an attempt to draw your attention to the issues in the city that need your urgent attention. This is the first of our "Letter to DM" series we're starting here. And this one is regarding the unhygienic state of affairs right outside the Hazratganj multi-level parking.

Recently, the Ganj parking has undergone a number of upgrades, including the new valet parking system. But as improved as things are on the inside, things aren't as hunky dory on and around the entry and exit points and the area circumventing the facility. You'll find garbage strewn around, paan stains and clothes being hung out to dry.

Apart from the pile of garbage that will greet you right at the front entrance, one side of the parking is being used by someone as their personal verandah, with their clothes hung out to try. In addition to that, there are the usual paan stains and discoloured paint on the walls near the back entrance.

Furthermore, as you circle around the Ganj parking, you'll encounter messages strictly prohibiting parking outside the premises (some of those are hilariously misspelled). However, vehicles can be seen parked outside often.

With the monsoon now here, the unhygienic state of Hazratganj parking can cause a number of problems with piles of garbage likely to work as the perfect happy hunting ground for mosquitoes. We request you to look into this matter and stop this overlooked lack of hygiene from stealing the timeless charm of Hazratganj.



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