Did you know about the 250-YO Dushehri Mother Tree & Dushehri village near Lucknow?

Did you know about the 250-YO Dushehri Mother Tree & Dushehri village near Lucknow?

Think you know all about your favourite Dushehri?
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3 min read

The most awaited season of mangoes is back and with it, Lucknowites are revelling in the different shades of yellow - Safeda, Chausa, Dushehri and many more.

While everybody has a favourite one amongst the huge variety of mangoes, there is a distinct craze for Dushehri mangoes throughout the country. Cultivated in UP, this variety has a huge fan following, however, it's origin and how there is an entire village named after the variety, is a lesser known story. BTW, did you also know about the Dushehri Mother Tree in Kakori?

No? Here'sall about it! 

If you’re answer is no, let us introduce you to the 'Dushehri Mother Tree' found in Kakori’s Dushehri village in Lucknow. This historical tree is known to be 250 years old and peaks as high as 1,600 feet. It is known to be the mother of all other Dushehri mangoes.

It is famously claimed that it was from the cuttings of this tree, once the property of Nawab of Lucknow, that Dushehri spread over the world. The tree has almost become a tourist attraction as people flock to the village to have a glimpse of the mangoes. The fruits are not sold but distributed among people. It is presently cared for by Sameer Zaidi, and the products belong to Nawab Saheb or Mohammad Ansar Sahab.

Entire gardens are planted from the grafts of this particular tree which is called miraculous. The reason for this is that there was a time when it had completely dried but like a miracle, turned green again, some localites asserted.

When are you visiting the Dushehri village?

Malhibaad is known to be the largest mango orchard in northern India. And in 2009, this area was registered by the Geographical Indication Registry into Geographical Indications No 125 in the name of “Mango Malihabad Dushehri”. Nearby, in Kakori is the Dusshehri village, named after the Dusshehri Mother Tree.
Did you know about the 250-YO Dushehri Mother Tree & Dushehri village near Lucknow?
Mother Of Mango Tree- जानें कहानी उत्तर प्रदेश के उस हेरिटेज पेड़ की जिससे 'दशहरी आम' का सफर शुरू हुआ

It takes a village to mango

As per Upendra Kumar Singh, the general secretary of Awadh Mango Growers Horticulture Committee, "The mother plant of Dushehri has been named after the revenue village Dushehri of Kakori block. This mother plant is said to be about 250 hundred years old."

“Due to GI 125 status, Dussehri of these four blocks will be considered as real. On an average, 2 to 2.5 lakh metric tonnes of mango crop is produced in this region,” Singh added.

Recalling an incident from his childhood, a resident of Dussehri village, Chhote Lal Kanojia also informed that the tree has not changed at all and is the identity of Dushehri village. He also claimed that someone stole a branch of the tree, transported it to and grew it in Malihabad which is how the place became popular as the land of Dusshehri mangoes.

“Actually the Dushehri mango is the identity of Dussehri village and not of Malihabad."

Chhote Lal Kanojia, a resident of Dussehri village

Pride of UP

The taste and aroma of these mangoes is felt by every spectator and the impact remains for days to come. The great Dushehri variety doesn't just have a control over the localities but has a strong presence even outside the country, as is proven by its heavy export.

So when are you planning your next weekend trip to the land of mangoes?

Did you know about the 250-YO Dushehri Mother Tree & Dushehri village near Lucknow?
Check out all that’s khaas at the ongoing Mango Festival in Lucknow

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