Female farmer-centric programmes under UP's Mission Shakti to mark Women's Day

Female farmer-centric programmes under UP's Mission Shakti to mark Women's Day

Special interactive programmes will be held with female scientists and experts from universities and Krishi Vigyan Kendra of Lucknow.
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Under the ongoing Mission Shakti, the Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh has directed all government departments to organise programmes that focus on women empowerment to commemorate the occasion of International Women's Day. To conform to this order, the Department of Agriculture has scheduled seminars and interactive sessions with female scientists to promote women farmers. Further, district-level officers who have aided women by extending support through government programmes will be rewarded for their efforts. The extension of all programmes under Mission Shakti till April has proved to be a boon for women.

3-hour virtual programme by state government

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To comply with the Chief Minister's directives, the state government is planning to celebrate 8 March by conducting a virtual programme for three hours which focuses especially on female farmers.

In a bid to promote women farmers, the Department of Agriculture will hold interactive sessions with scientists and officers who will be sharing new techniques of progressive farming. Further, special interactive programmes will be held with female scientists and experts from universities and Krishi Vigyan Kendra of Lucknow.

About 250 seminars with a special focus on women farmers will be organised and more than 30,000 farmers and entrepreneurs will be given training by the Department of Agriculture. Additionally, a three-day Kisan Pathshala with a total of 5 lakh participants will be organised in 8000 gram panchayats under the first module of Rabi Session 2020-21.

Awards for government officers for helping women

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To reward the Tehsildars who have helped women in the redressal of their grievances, 5 such officers will be felicitated with awards by the Revenue Department on March 8. Further, those Tehsildars and Revenue Inspectors will also be rewarded who have registered the maximum number of women account holders under the 'Virasat' campaign.

The steps taken to reward government officials, in view of International Women's Day, will engage their peers to follow suit and extend help to women thereby, enabling them with independence and stability.

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