Knocksense Shorts | Lucknow to experience cloudy conditions with slight chance of showers this week

Knocksense Shorts | Lucknow to experience cloudy conditions with slight chance of showers this week

The change in the wind pattern due to the western disturbances active over the Himalayas has also led to a dip in temperatures in UP cities.
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A moderate spell of light rainfall, cloudy skies, and plummetting temperatures took people by surprise in Lucknow this Wednesday. With this, the slight temperature shift which the city is witnessing, is due to the cyclonic circulations triggered because of change in wind patterns.

The latest forecast from IMD states that similar weather conditions could prevail over Lucknow skies this week, followed by a possibility of mild rainfall this Sunday.

The change in the wind pattern has been triggered due to the western disturbances active over the Himalayas. Furthermore, the alteration of dry northwesterly winds to moisture-carrying northeasterly winds has led to the formation of a cyclonic circulation, causing unpredictable weather conditions in parts of UP.

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