Lucknow's first-ever Jurassic Park ft. Godzilla, King Kong, Dinos & more, coming SOON

Lucknow's first-ever Jurassic Park ft. Godzilla, King Kong, Dinos & more, coming SOON

Talking tree, cafeteria, and a huge dinosaur model.
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From the classic Spielberg flicks to your city, Lucknow's first-ever Jurassic Park is coming soon at Janeshwar Mishra Park. Being developed by the Lucknow Development Authority (LDA), this new attraction spread across five acres, will feature a massive 55-feet high dinosaur model, a talking tree, cafeteria, and more!

What will the other attractions be at the park?

Apart from dinosaurs and the talking tree, this new park will feature huge models of Mammoth, King Kong, and Godzilla. Notably, all these models will have sensors in them and visitors will also get to feel the effects of these creatures moving and breathing.

Giving a green twist to this new park, discarded material such as scrap tyres are being put to use to construct this unique new attraction in Lucknow.

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