Uttar Pradesh Assembly Polls: Sale of liquor banned in all districts today due to counting of votes

Uttar Pradesh Assembly Polls: Sale of liquor banned in all districts today due to counting of votes

Assembly-wise counting begins in Lucknow on March 10
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In wake of the counting of votes today, the Election Commission has banned the sale of alcohol across all Uttar Pradesh districts on March 10. All excise license holders have been directed to not indulge in any retail activity related to liquor, throughout the day. Strict action will be taken if the EC order is not complied with.

For fair 'counting of votes' in UP

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The EC has ordained a ban on the sale of liquor across Lucknow, Kanpur and all districts of the state to ensure fair proceeding of Assembly Election 2022. The public will not be able to buy alcohol throughout the day on March 10, added reports. The action has been taken to prevent the rise of any substance-oriented notorious activity in the state.

"In view of vote counting of Uttar Pradesh assembly election 2022 on March 10, sale and operations of liquor prohibited in the state for the entire day on Thursday. Action to be taken in case of violation" the state excise department said.

In Uttar Pradesh, the polling for the 403-member legislative assembly took place in seven phases - February 10, 14, 20, 23, 27, and March 3 and 7. The counting of votes will be held on March 10, along with those of Punjab, Uttarakhand, Manipur, and Goa.

- with agency inputs

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