Uttar Pradesh carries out the 3rd dry-run of COVID-19 vax at 1,500 centres
In a bid to prepare Uttar Pradesh for a glitch-free covid immunisation process, the state government conducted a third mock trial at 15,000 centres across the state on Monday. Slated to be the final dry run, this drill will test the state's preparations for the vaccination drive, ahead of the actual roll-out. As per reports, the Chief Inspector inspected the details of the trial at Lucknow's Dr. Shyama Prasad Mukherjee (Civil) Hospital. A similar, virtual inspection has been scheduled for the vaccination centres in Gorakhpur, Varanasi, Meerut and Siddhartha Nagar.
Final dry-run to simulate actual COVID-19 immunity drive
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The Centre had directed all states across the country to conduct mock-drill, following the state-customised road maps to identify and eliminate any bottle-necks or loop-holes in the system. The primary objective of the mock drill on Covid vaccination is to simulate the actual vaccine administration event, to prepare a solid, tested and streamlined plan. Following this, the state has already conducted two dry-run of COVID-19 vaccination on January 2 & January 5, followed by another on January 8. This second nationwide mock drill was carried out at third session sites of 736 districts across 33 states/Union Territories.
The dry-run is aimed at testing the laid-out mechanisms for vaccination roll-out in the health system and to assess operational feasibility of using Co-WIN application (an online platform for monitoring Covid-19 vaccine delivery) in a field environment for planning, implementation and reporting at the block, district and state level.
International praise for Uttar Pradesh's COVID-control measures
The World Health Organisation (WHO) has praised the contact tracing done by the Uttar Pradesh government to control the spread of the transmissive COVID-19 infection. "With the efforts made by the state government, the Coronavirus cases in the state are reducing," the WHO said.
The state has established several COVID control centres and help desks at each district which are employed in the task of tracing and tracking. This, along with local and regional set-ups in small towns and rural regions have helped to spread awareness about the pandemic, its precautions and treatment.
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