We are topping the chart: Lucknow becomes 9th most polluted city in the world

We are topping the chart: Lucknow becomes 9th most polluted city in the world

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2 min read

There’s a bad news, Lucknowites. In a recent document released by Greenpeace and IQAirVisual 2018 World Air Quality Report, it has been revealed that Lucknow is the 9th most polluted city in the world. As per the report, the main pollutant was seen to be PM2.5 particulate, which is highly prevalent in the city.

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In the report that was released, analysts calculated the amount of PM2.5 particulate in the atmosphere over all cities and then compared the empirical data that they received. From this, it was noted that Lucknow had a particulate matter of 115.7 micrograms per cubic metre on an average yearly basis. Of the 20 most polluted cities in the world, 15 were in India with Gurugram taking the number one spot.

Other cities apart from Lucknow included Ghaziabad (#2) Faridabad (#4), Bhiwadi (#5), Noida (#6) and Patna (#7). Additionally, Delhi was seen to top charts when it came to world capitals. However, Lucknow still has a higher amount of pollution as the empirical data suggests that Delhi has a PM2.5 particulate of 113.5 micrograms per cubic metre.

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Experts have alluded the bad rankings to unchecked vehicular pollution, smoke from factories and excessive construction all across the city. Another reason for the decline in AQI could be the extended use of electronics such as refrigerators and air conditioners, which release gasses that are harmful for the environment. In the report, it was also stated that if the current trends continue, there would likely be 7 million deaths worldwide due to bad air and deteriorating air quality.

The news should shock Lucknowites to the core, but the fact remains that AQI in the city has constantly been declining and the reason is the citizens’ continued ignorance and lack of awareness.

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