COVID-19 cases in Mumbai dip to their lowest single-day tally in 5 weeks on Monday!

COVID-19 cases in Mumbai dip to their lowest single-day tally in 5 weeks on Monday!

BMC plans to adopt aggressive COVID testing to conduct 40,000 tests per day to reduce the case positivity ratio in Mumbai.
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Mumbai achieved a small yet significant victory against the coronavirus infection on Monday, when the daily record of fresh cases dipped to 2,624 cases, the lowest single-day tally in 5 months. Before this, the lowest case rise was noted on March 17 with 2,377 cases. While the decline in the number of new infections brings respite, it also has to be noted that this number may be attributed to the sharp dip in the number of COVID tests conducted here. As per BMC reports, testing has dived from 50,000 tests a day to 38,000 tests and even around 28,000 tests during some days.

Mumbai to adopt enhanced testing to lower case positivity ratio

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On Monday, cases in Mumbai plummeted to their lowest tally in over one month, hinting at the stabilisation of infection rise. In a month's time, the coronavirus load in Mumbai scaled down from its highest-ever 11,206 on April 4, to its lowest in five-week with 2,624 on May 3. While this suggests that the second wave spell has started to subside here, it may also be linked to a dip in testing, read reports.

The Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation, on the other hand, has decided to ramp up testing potentials in Mumbai to at least 40,000 per day. The number of COVID tests conducted in a day has fallen drastically from 44,000 to 28,000 in April and only 23,542 tests were conducted on Monday, May 3. Consequently, the positivity ratio dipped from 9%-12% in April to about 7.79% as of May 2.

COVID curbs should not be withdrawn until mass vaccination drive

However, the municipal body is certain that boosting testing capacities in Mumbai will generate a lower positivity ratio, which refers to the number of people that test positive against the total number of tests conducted. Officials have stated that an aggressive testing policy has already supported healing trends here. They have also appealed to the public to come forward and get themselves tested.

Meanwhile, health and medical experts have pointed out that the curbs and restrictions should be continued in Mumbai even as the case count is under control. Strict health guidelines need to be followed at least until the fulfilment of the mass vaccination drive in Mumbai and Maharashtra.

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