Knocksense Shorts | Ahead of Diwali, Mumbai Police bans sales and flying of lanterns

Knocksense Shorts | Ahead of Diwali, Mumbai Police bans sales and flying of lanterns

With Mumbai's deteriorating air quality, this move is both timely and welcome.
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1 min read

In an attempt to ensure public safety, Mumbai Police has banned the sale and flying of lanterns from November 4 to December 3. It is noteworthy that these lanterns fall off randomly, causing a threat of fire-related incidents.

Furthermore, Mumbai Police has released another directive banning the sale, display, offering, or transportation of firecrackers without the necessary licenses. This ban will also be in effect for the same duration, i.e., November 4 to December 3. Looking at the city's pollution levels and deteriorating air quality, this step by Mumbai Police is as timely as it is welcome.

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